Posts Tagged 'bookgroup'

Daughters of Iowa

The King Lear story rewritten – well, not exactly, but the echoes ae there – the three daughters, the maddened King sent out into a storm. I don’t think it really mattered though if you knew nothing of the original Shakespeare – a story about daughters and inheritance, Alzheimer’s and sibling rivalry, marriage and motherhood will probably always have resonance.
There were many things I enjoyed: the slow revelation of the central character’s hidden (eve to herself) dark secret, the interplay of sisters and their husbands and lovers, and the horrible limitations of living within a patriarchy which seems reinforced by the demands of running a farm. All that cooking and scrubbing, without any thanks or value attributed to it or you as a human being. That said, it’s hard not to get frustrated with Ginny. I have been doing a course on How To Read A Mind with FutureLearn, looking at fictional minds and characters, and how we create them in our own heads and love or hate them as if they were real. So many things come into play – my own family background, my position in the world, my likes and dislikes. In this case, just felt a big cheer when G left home but wondered why she wanted to be a waitress – more serving and being nice to people. Sigh. P1020285
Anyway! Looking forward to the discussion. We are also planning a relaunch of the book club, and a publicity drive to get some new members in so bring ideas along.

Poetry please

Hey everybody hope you are all well and getting as excited as I am about having Mark Robinson at book group next Monday. He is both an excellent poet and an excellent reader of his work, (and many other things besides see his fascinating blog) so it will be a treat.
We won’t be at Voodoo as they are hosting a comedy night this Monday, but instead, we will be meeting at the lovely home of Mary in Darlington. Let either me or Tammy at New Writing North know if you need the address.
Following this, in March, we have agreed to read The Weather in The Streets by Rosamond Lehmann, one of my most favourite authors (true, there are a few of these) with the ability to convey the experience of emotional pain second to none. I understand i his is not a selling point to some of you! But for me she reaches into the depths with elegance and beauty, both heart rending and compassionate. Sh is a wonderful writer, take my word for it.

And in April, we will read A Thousand Acres by Jane Smiley, as this author is coming to the north east and we will be able to attend various events such as this one at Tyneside cinema. P1020111

How are we doing, dear readers?

Happy New Year to all. Hope you don’t feel too lumbered with the great tome that is 1Q84. Remember I do not require you to have finished it – started would be good – but even if you have just managed to lift it, that’s sufficient.
Really, it’s a great book, and I would hate it to feel like a burden – so have a taste and let’s chat about it – you can always go back and finish another time. I am nearly through the third volume now, and am glad to have persevered. As my mum always said – you’ll like it when you get there. Also made me think of other trilogies I have read – Lord of the Rings, for example? Doris Lessing’s Children of Violence (4 or 5?) Then there were those 8 volumes of Clarissa. I was younger then – there was more time. DSCF1884
Look forward to seeing you all at The Forum next Monday.


Monday 2 March
Hello from the Gillespies by Monica McInerney

Monday 6 April
Life after Life by Kate Atkinson

All meetings take place on the first Monday of the month at 6.30pm. We are currently meeting at:

Voodoo Cafe
84 Skinnergate

Photo by Moody Mammoth

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